How to led and manage across different languages, customs and culture. I interview Chris Catchpole who has been based in Vietnam for 10 years and across Asia for a lot more.
How to led and manage across different languages, customs and culture. I interview Chris Catchpole who has been based in Vietnam for 10 years and across Asia for a lot more.
My next guest is Mike Altamura, he’s a boxing manager, talent scout, writer, podcaster with his show, The Fight Game, managed and saw the development of 9 boxing world champions
I sit down and chat with Mark Pickering, creative strategist and APAC business director for Chimney with over 20 years of experience in the brand marketing and advertising industry.
Building resilience and motivation: Interview with Jairek Robbins, best-selling author, entrepreneur, a performance and motivational coach and fellow business growth strategist.