
How to use your voice to command an interview with Sally Prosser - Podcast Episode 45

My next guest is Sally Prosser, she is a voice & public speaking coach with an extensive career in media training and developing her students to command their voice and deliver impactful and engaging presentations.

Chapters of the episode:

  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 2:39 - What does Sally Prosser do?
  • 5:18 - How and Why did you get into coaching?
  • 8:27 - What creates a world-class communication presenter?
  • 9:21 - A quick 2 minute exercise to help you present with confidence - Body and mind synchronize
  • 13:05 - Using your voice as a ‘wardrobe’ - Different scenarios / different voices
  • 16:24 - How Sally works with CEOs and C-suite executives to develop their breakthrough effective communication
  • 21:26 - Advice to a c-suite to improve their boardroom or media delivery, what would be the number one thing you would suggest?

Watch a snippet with Sally Prosser

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Reach out to Sally

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The Point of View business Show highlights business professionals in Asia and around the world to get an understanding on what makes them effective, how they do it and advice to help you grow in Leadership, Branding, Marketing and Sales. Follow the journey and connect with me on LinkedIn.

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This is Andy Tran

A strategist, marketer and problem solver. 

Focusing on sharing topics and resources to help students and business professionals in leadership, branding, marketing and sales 
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